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Sharing by Jaq

What started out as simply a fund raising project turned out to be a retreat of sorts - and a truly heart warming experience

This year’s mission was different, with limited interaction not just with our friends in BTB but also with mission buddies in Singapore. But what we lacked In physical companionship, I believe we gained abundantly in the Holy Spirit.

There were times during the mission when the going got tough and sometimes even a little lonely with no mission buddies to share the activity with. The solitude however was a blessing in disguise. As we each persevered with our task on our own, the Holy Spirit was truly present, warming our hearts, and guiding our thoughts and our hands.

As I contemplated the scripture readings to prepare the reflections for each day of Advent, I think I began my own Advent journey a little earlier. And as I contemplated, the saying that we are all an Advent people struck home - we are all waiting with hope, hope to be able to see and interact with our friends in Cambodia soon, hope to be able to gather together in larger numbers for fellowship, hope for the pandemic to be over, hope for a better tomorrow. But most of all, we live in the hope and knowledge that amidst all the uncertainties in the world today, God keeps his promise never to abandon us. What started out as simply a fund raising project turned out to be a retreat of sorts - and a truly heart warming experience

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A Call To Share (Singapore) Ltd is member organisation of CHARIS


Caritas Humanitarian Aid & Relief Initiatives (Singapore) Ltd (CHARIS) is the umbrella body for overseas humanitarian aid and disaster relief efforts of the Archdiocese of Singapore. CHARIS is a member of Caritas Internationalis.

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